Our other offices

USA Poland India China

Global Textile Alliances Inc.
2361 Holiday Loop Road
Reidsville, NC 27320

P +1 336 347 7601

Belgijska 5
55-222 Jelcz-Laskowice

P +48 717 57 1950

SF No 149, Chennapa Chetty Pudur Post 
Padhuvam Palli Village, Coimbatore
641 659 Tamil Nadu

P +91 9629 403 822

No. 599 Penghui Avenue, Chongfu
Tongxiang, Jiaxing
Zip 314511, Zhejiang

P +86 573 882 33780


Registered address & delivery address

Molstenstraat 42, 8780 Oostrozebeke - Belgium - VAT: BE0457.432.796


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